Sunday, July 27, 2008

The new job

It's been three weeks at the new job, and I'm really enjoying myself. Everyone who works there is great, we have a lot of fun, but still get a ton of work done.

Technically we're a marketing firm, but really specialize in Sales, Marketing and Promotional Strategy, we like to help the client answer why they need something and what will give us the most successful launch and future life of that tactic. Most marketing firms are just Ad Agencies, they make ads and websites and logos that their client feels they need. We try to set ourselves apart by helping the client get to that decision.

If all of this sounds confusing, it is. We've been spending a good amount of time working on our brand, and how best to communicate what it is that we do, without putting to fine a point on our expertise, or making the company too much of a "we solve all of your problems" thing that just makes us sound like we have no idea what we do. I have been given a lot of responsibility to get this moving and have been spending a lot of time working on it.

I was given one customer when I started, and if all goes well, will have three by the end of this week. I'm keeping very busy, but love the environment and really feel like I can shine here. People listen to my opinion, and I think that my knowledge really brings a lot to the company. It's a tremendous feeling.

We've just started looking at offices in Grand Rapids. I expect that we will probably be here (and I won't have to commute anymore) by October or so. Next year, I'm getting a new scooter so I can scoot to work.

I haven't had much time to let everybody know how the new job was going so I thought this was a good place to put it. I'll try to add more as I have it.
