Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The events of last night

Once Bobbie Jo hit 10cm, everybody started rushing around transforming the room. Bobbie Jo pushed for about two hours, but we weren't able to get anywhere with that. I was able to peek in and see the head, which was far more amazing (and much less gross) than I had expected. She tried pushing on her back, both sides, and even on all fours, but the umbilical cord would compress each time she pushed, and knock the baby's heart rate down from around 180 to less than 60. The doctor decided that the pushing was becoming too traumatic for him, and we would need to go with a c-section. There was a quick try with a vacuum sucker tool (that looked like a purple toy ray-gun) without any luck.

A terrified Bobbie Jo was carted away to surgery, and I was given a jumpsuit, hairnet and booties to change. I was brought to the room about 10 minutes after she was taken, and they had already administered anesthesia. I sat down at Bobbie Jo's head, as they did the work on the other side of the sheet. It was a lot of tugging and tearing, Bobbie Jo hung in like a champ, but it was very difficult. I have never imagined that I could be in the middle of such an emotional experience; something I will definitely remember for the rest of my life.

I managed to get up the stones to stand up and peek over the sheet, into the center of the 3 doctors who were cutting into my bride. I saw into her belly, and watched as they pulled my son out from the incision they had made. He was covered with the white stuff (vernix) that usually comes off in the birth canal. Because of the c-section this vernix hadn't rubbed off at all and he was covered from head to toe. He was much drier and less gooey than I had expected. He was placed on the warming table, had his throat sucked out, and began to scream. I got to hold him for about ten minutes while they finished sewing the mom up. Max was placed on her chest and rode with his mom back to the recovery room.

While in the recovery room, we were both able to begin to get to know the little guy. He was really alert, and was "looking" all over the place. I know there's not much going on yet, but it seemed like he had a great little personality, and totally looks like a Max. He's a tiny peanut, 5 lbs is really small. When they have him laid out on the table, he looks like a little featherless chicken.

We made it back to the room, I wrestled with the wonderful conversion chair that they offer to the spouse for sleeping on. I would have slept better on the floor. I got a few hours of sleep, Bobbie Jo didn't get any. The kid slept in the room with us and was quiet the whole night. The nurses came in every hour to check on Bobbie Jo so she didn't get a wink. She slept 4 hours the night before last, and zero hours last night. She's been a trooper but needs to get some sleep.

Sometimes they say that a father may not bond with his kid right away, and that it can take a week or two. I wondered if that was how it would work for me – not even close! I'm so amazed at how much I love this little guy. I don't know how to explain the thought that my feelings for him will only grow. Prior to last night I couldn't imagine loving something that much, I can't imagine what the coming days and years will bring.

Thank you so much for all your kind words, texts, visits, posts, and phone calls. We are so thrilled that all of you are able to join us in this awesome stage of our lives, as we start our family together – now even more complete.