Monday, August 13, 2007

The Timeline so far

As we are starting this blog about a month after finding out about the pending baby, here is what has happened so far:

July 14th- Bobbie Jo decides to take a pregnancy test. Much to both of our bewilderment, the test results come back as " | |" denoting a positive test. I quickly run to D&W to purchase another test, which returns a "+ |" (positive again). We are thrilled, and terrified at the same time. We are extremely lucky, but this happened a lot quicker than we expected.

July 17th-We leave Grand Rapids for my brother Ben's wedding. When we arrive in Minneapolis we tell Ben and Angie that they will soon have a nephew (or niece). We figure it's best to tell them now rather than when they are trying to feed Bobbie Jo shots. Bobbie Jo spends the week of festivities drinking non-alcoholic beverages made to look like "adult drinks". As far as we know, everybody bought our ruse.

Weekend of August 10th-We tell our parents. All of whom are thrilled about becoming grandparents. Camille is trying to figure out what she wants to be called (Busia and Grandma are currently out), and Paul's brain is spinning with plans on what he can build for this new kid. Sharon shed so many tears of happiness, we were scarred she was going to fall down. This kid is going to have five terrific grandparents!!

August 15th (in 2 days) - We have our first "informational" meeting with the baby doctor. We expect this will be a "stop smoking crack"/ "James needs to start pulling his weight around the house" type-meeting. Even this (expected) boring meeting can't come quickly enough.

We'll keep you updated.