Saturday, March 13, 2010

The search for dimes

I'm not sure who gave me this Mickey Mouse bank, but I've had it as long as I can remember. When we were getting Max's room ready for his arrival, I put it up on one of his shelves, thinking that it would be nice to pass it on.

I'm not sure when it happened, or what prompted it, but one day Max heard the jingle of change in someone's pocket and asked for their "dimes".

Many visitors (and many dimes) later, Mickey is almost half full. Max will "pull" the giver of the dimes up to his room, and ask for help getting the bank off of the shelf, so that he can give them to Mickey.

I asked Max (probably hunting for a cute story),"What does Mickey eat?". I was sure the answer would be"dimes", I was wrong.

Mickey eats "food".