When we were applying to schools for Max, we applied to quite a few of them. While we are happy with Max's teacher, the school was not our first choice. On Friday morning our first choice school called to let us know there was a spot for Max. We would need to let them know by Monday, today, if we wanted it.
It seems like an easy decision when comparing the two schools. And on paper it was a no-brainer. Max's feelings, however, were going to be a whole different thing. Max LOVES school, and he perceives that love as love for his current school; he can't imagine anywhere else. All of us love his teacher and think she's been outstanding.
We don't know what the next few years will bring, but this move will help us guarantee a good education for Max, one that challenges him, and prepares him for his future. Bobbie Jo and I are not looking forward to telling him about it. Today when I get home from work we will tell him that tomorrow he starts at a new school. In a few weeks we're sure he'll be fine, but tonight is going to be tough.
Max-when you read this someday you probably won't even remember the old school. We hope you know that we are always doing what (we hope) is in your best interest whether you understand it or not.
Updated 5:30 pm
Looks like our fears were unwarranted. He's excited for the 3 recesses. Looks like we agonized for 3 days over nothing.
Tomorrow is his (second) first day of school!