For those who may need to care for our child, I have compiled a list of Max's words and their normal English translations.
ä-pōō-ä - airplaneThese are the words that will most frequently trip people up. Most other words (eat, elmo, cookie (snack and monster), juice, (m)ilk, pee, poop, book, etc.) mean what you think they would mean.
bŭp - puff (puffed snack thingy)
bĭk-ēē - Craisin (cranberry raisin), or Mickey (Mouse).
doo-doo - Spiderman*
dä-doo - Cheerio
dee-tee - Sesame (Street)
duhmp-ŭp - "Jump Up", his favorite song
gä - flag
gä-gōō - cracker
gä-gōōf - color, draw, or write on something. Or crayon, chalk, or pen.
moo-nee - (Handy) Manny, a tv show.
non-ee - naughty
tŏp-īte - stoplight (or sometimes stop sign)
I will update this list as necessary.
Hope this helps.
*My next post will explain the origin of "doo-do".