Sunday, May 31, 2009


He's a curious little bugger.

As he walks around he points at things, lots of things. We initially thought it was because he wanted those things, but we're starting to think he just wants to know what they are. He's processing it all. He has a few words down, not just words that parents can understand, but actual words;
  • up
  • cookie
  • baby
  • uh boom
  • ucky
  • yes (yeah, yeah, yeah)
He mimics us when he finds words he likes. We can't get him to say them again but it's fun. I have come to the conclusion I must start watching my "colorful" language from now on, or I foresee many trips to the principal's office in his future.
He's trying so hard to talk. We have many little conversations with him now. His end consists almost entirely of jibberish, but you can tell he thinks he having a full dialog with us.
He likes responding to questions with a nod of the head (usually "yes"). He sings a lot. In the car, along with his toys. He sings with that sweet little kid voice. It's cute.

His personality is growing more every day. He's a wild kid. He doesn't get into as much as he used to, but there's a whole new world that he's just about able to reach awaiting him. A whole new set of challenges await!