Bobbie Jo has been feeling the little guy wiggling around a lot lately. He tends to be more active at night. I can't feel him yet, but am hoping I will be able to soon. We've been working on names and while we have decided to keep all of our naming options secret until he sees the light of day, I am able to put a few names on that Bobbie Jo resoundingly said no to.
Optimus Prime
George W.
We also made a quick trip to Babies R Us to register, and scanned a few items, but will be making a trip there later when we have a bit more time. It's awfully overwhelming looking at all of the brightly colored baby crap that they have, and dealing with the Babies R Us folks who let you know that if you don't buy everything they suggest, you are destined to be a terrible parent.
We have the ultrasound on Thursday, will be getting more pictures and video and will hopefully post those here by Friday.
Talk to you then.