Bobbie Jo and I have just returned home from putting our cat Emma to sleep. It was the most difficult thing that either of us have ever had to do. She was a crabby kitty, but we loved her very much. She will be greatly missed.

We've been through a lot together. She was with me as I moved into the house that later became the first house I owned. When I met Bobbie Jo, got married, moved to our new house, and brought baby Max home from the hospital- she was always waiting for us at home. Many things changed, but Emma was always the constant.

I don't know that she was terribly thrilled when Max became mobile. She was always gentle around him, though usually scurrying away if she was able. Max called her (and most cats) "emma", who knows how long that will last. It's too bad he probably won't remember her when he gets older.
Emma was my first real pet, and I will never forget her.
We love you Emma B, you will be missed.