His top teeth are now coming in, and just like with the bottoms, he doesn't like them one bit.
He's got two words down. Mom and Dad. "Dad", we're pretty sure means "dad", "mom" we're pretty sure means "food". Bobbie Jo is, of course, thrilled. [As I write this, Max just called one of the cats "dad"- either BJo has some serious explaining to do, or he's still fuzzy on the "dad" thing too].
He's eating these little "puff" things, which are little tasteless crackers. He grabs them in his chubby little fist and jams them in his mouth. For some reason they make him laugh. Amazingly enough we've captured that on video as well, and on the same video as the walking. Here it is:
He's drinking most of his formula from a sippy-cup now, he's doing pretty good. He switches to actual cow milk in a month. We will not miss buying formula every 5 days!
It's continued to be a ride. It won't be long and we'll be celebrating his one year birthday. Wow!
We're very behind on pictures, so here are some of the pictures we've taken over the last few weeks. Enjoy.